Monday, 6 August 2012

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By: wizVinay On: 12:53 pm
  • Share The Gag

  • 1 x 8 + 1 = 9
    12 x 8 + 2 = 98
    123 x 8 + 3 = 987
    1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
    12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
    123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
    1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
    12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
    123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

    1 x 9 + 2 = 11
    12 x 9 + 3 = 111
    123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
    1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
    12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
    123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
    1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
    12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
    123456789 x 9 +10 = 1111111111
    9 x 9 + 7 = 88
    98 x 9 + 6 = 888
    987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
    9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
    98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
    987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
    9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
    98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
    Brilliant, isn't it?
    And look at this symmetry:
    1 x 1 = 1
    11 x 11 = 121
    111 x 111 = 12321
    1111 x 1111 = 1234321
    11111 x 11111 = 123454321
    111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
    1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
    11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321...111111111 x 111111111 =
    123456789876543 21
    Now, take a look at this...
    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R ST U V W X Y
    (Is represented as...)
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
    H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K
    8+1+18+4+23+ 15+18+11 = 98%
    K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E
    11+14+15+23+ 12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96%
    A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E
    1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%
    L-O-V-E-O-F-G-O -D
    12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%
    Therefore, one can conclude with
    mathematical certainty that:
    While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you
    close, and Attitude will
    get you there, It's the Love of God that will put
    you over the top!

    Don't forget to follow me on twitter @Ferrel_AY


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