Friday 31 August 2012

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Married Pastor Arrested For Infecting Female Church Member With HIV

By: BrickClicksAdmin On: 5:24 pm
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  • Atlanta pastor Craig Lamar Davis is facing allegations of having multiple affairs with men and women both in and outside of his congregation and not telling them that he has HIV. At least two victims have come forward to press charges, and there may be many more.

    Davis, a married man, was the Pastor at Full Gospel Baptist Church in Atlanta prior to his arrest. Davis was arrested on July 22 for reckless conduct, when police investigators discovered that he has HIV and had allegedly been indulging in unprotected sex with several congregation members.

    While it's been more than a month since Davis was arrested, the allegations first surfaced Tuesday, August 28, when one of the alleged victims, Ronita McAfee, came forward via email in order to warn others about Pastor Davis. The following is an excerpt from that email:
    My name is Ronita McAfee and I am the victim in the HIV Reckless case in Clayton County, GA, where Mr. Craig Lamar Davis is the Defendant.

    It is my intentions to forewarn as many unsuspecting people as possible that Mr.Craig Lamar Davis IS HIV POSITIVE...

    Mr. Craig Lamar Davis is a master manipulator: women have bought him cars, relocated and purchased homes under the impression that he was going to marry them, bought him countless suits and accessories (i.e. watches, ties, jewelry, shoes, etc.), given him their food stamp cards every month as if he’s entitled, depleted their checking and savings account on his behalf, etc. and he expects nothing less. He lurks at the church for his prey for some odd reason or another.

    I encourage you to pass this information on especially to the Senior Pastor and to encourage people to get tested.

    According to one report, Davis denies that he had sexual relations with men, but welcomes the publicity associated with the allegations, which Davis believes is a good thing and a platform that he will use to start his own ministry


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