Wednesday, 13 March 2013

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There is no new Pope yet?

By: Anonymous On: 3:19 pm
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  • The Catholic Church still does not have a Pope. The 115 cardinals who went into the Sistine chapel yesterday to elect a new Pope didn't didn't agree on a new man to lead the church so they sent up black smoke from the chimney to signal their disagreement.

    Black smoke was seen coming from the chimney again this morning indicating inconclusive ballot on the second day of deliberation. All the cardinals will remain locked inside Sistine Chapel until one candidate receives at least 77 votes.

    While all this are going on; thousands of faithful Catholics are waiting in the rain outside the Sistine Chapel to hear the good news - the election of a new Pope.

    Follow BrickClicks on twitter for instant update 


    1. why should they be having disagreements, i tot they are being guided by the holy spirit? God is not an author of confusion, its so clear that this is pure politics.
