Friday 12 April 2013

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OMG! Mum throws her baby down to fight another woman [LOOK]

By: Anonymous On: 2:42 pm
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  • Two  women went against each-other in a bus in New York due to few misunderstanding, and it went bad.
    One of them threw her young child down to fight the other woman.
    They were arguing over a relationship a relative of the mother had with the other woman's boyfriend. The young mother yelled;
    "If you're over it, why are you approaching me on the bus?. Someone grab my baby! I'm going beat the s*** out of you on this bus little girl. This b**** has disrespected me in front of my baby, man. I'll hit that b****.
    She then threw her baby down to fight. Another passenger in the bus filmed the incident which happened in New York.

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