Tuesday, 13 August 2013

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Photo & Video: Market where human parts are sold in London (Viewer Discretion is Advised)

By: Anonymous On: 7:35 pm
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  • Omg! this is really shocking can't type anything, please read below;
    This pop-up meat stall selling HUMAN FLESH has become a crowd-pleaser at a one of Britain's most famous meat markets. Wesker & Son, who claim to have been providing "Fine meats since 1966", set up a stall at London's Smithfields market selling 'human' body parts, including hands, legs, buttocks and arms. To promote new zombie computer game Resident Evil 6, fans were invited to purchase the 'delicacies' made from various cuts of pork. 'Peppered Human & Lemon Sausages' and 'J'avo Caught Human Thigh Steaks' were available for purchase for those with strong stomachs, and all proceeds were donated to the Limbless Association.
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