Saturday 28 July 2012

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JOKE: Know Your Destiny

By: BrickClicksAdmin On: 2:07 pm
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  • A guy went to a native doctor and requested to
    know how bright his destiny will be.
    The native doctor drew a circle with a white chalk and another circle with a black chalk.
    He placed a dead millipede on the floor and asked
    the guy to watch
    He said he would say some incantations to
    make the dead millipede start crawling. He told
    the guy that if the
    millipede crawls into the white circle, it means his destiny will be
    bright but if it crawls into the black circle, it
    means his destiny will be dark.
    He began making the incantations and the dead millipede started
    crawling. When it got in between the two circles,
    it turned and started crawling towards the
    black circle.
    The guy watched. As it was about to crawl into the black circle,
    the guy picked it and gently dropped it on
    the white circle. The native doctor got furious and asked why he did that.
    The guy replied
    he won't fold his
    arms and watch his destiny crawl into darkness because HIS
    Don't forget to follow me on twitter @VincentAyorinde


    1. That`s awesome critical thought. Food for thought.

    2. Hahahahahaha! Brainy thought........
