Tuesday, 18 September 2012

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So...Touching Dad and Son Story - Must Read

By: wizVinay On: 2:28 pm
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  • A man was polishing his new car; his
    4 yr old son picked up a stone &
    scratched on the side of
    the car. In anger, the furious Man
    took his child's hand
    & hit it many times, not realizing he
    was using a wrench.
    At the hospital, the child lost all his
    fingers due to
    multiple fractures. When the child
    saw his father....with
    painful eyes he asked 'Dad when

    will my fingers grow
    back?' The man was so hurt and
    He went back to the car and kicked
    it many times.
    Devastated by his own actions...
    sitting in front of the car
    he looked at the scratches, His son
    had written 'LOVE
    YOU DAD'. Next day that man
    suicide...Anger and Love have no
    Always remember..... "Things are to
    be used and people
    are to be loved" but the problem in
    today's world
    "People are being USED & Things
    are being LOVED" .

    God's Word to you:

    "Keep your lives free from the love of
    money and be content with what you
    have, because God has said, 'Never will
    I leave you; never will I forsake you.'" -
    Hebrews 13:5

    Write "Amen" if you want to be content
    with what you have. Help us to be
    grateful Lord!
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