Saturday, 27 October 2012

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Genevieve Nnaji to return the brand new Range Rover she got on her Evogue endorsement as an Ambassador

By: wizVinay On: 9:22 am
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  •  Nollywood actress Genevieve Nnaji was unveiled in June 2012, as the brand ambassador of Range Rover Evogue and we all heard she got $100, 000 and a brand new Evogue from the deal. But new facts have emerged about the endorsement deal and I got this direct from inside sources.

    Genevieve was offered one of two deals by Coscharis Motors; (1) Take $100, 000 and drive a brand new Evoque for only six months after which she will return it or (2) Take $50, 000 and a brand new Evogue valued at over N10million which she can keep.

    I heard the actress took the former, (she already has very expensive cars) so will eventually return the SUV.
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