Friday, 6 September 2013

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Meet the 49yr old underwear model who claims she's "Too Young" to get a job

By: Anonymous On: 6:08 pm
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  • This is insane as a 49-year-old underwear model has accused the fashion industry of ageism as she says she can no longer get any work because she looks too young.
    According to Daily mail,Carolyn Brennan, from Leicester, has been modelling lingerie and bikinis for more than 20 years but in the last 12 months her work has dried up.
    She said she has been repeatedly told she's 'not suitable' for jobs because she looks younger than her years.
    She said:
    I find it quite shocking that the fashion industry seems to have forgotten a huge swathe of women who are middle-aged but not ready to wear cardigans just yet. Why should I wear shapeless dowdy clothes just because I’m nearly 50?'
    In the early 90s, Carolyn modelled for Harley Davidson, was a catwalk model at dozens of NEC trade shows for Peugeot and worked for Aspire magazine.But she can no longer gain jobs posing in clothes aimed at her age group because she looks too young.And in a cruel twist, she is also unable to get work for the younger fashion market because she is considered too old.
    Does she really look young for 49?
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