Wednesday, 13 March 2013

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Lets Get Talking: Male Pastor Marrying Male Pastor - #ENDTIME

By: Anonymous On: 2:41 pm
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     All in the name of gay this' gay that', Now a man of God is married to his fellow man, Why? ok his a gay!
    But my point is, Here is a Man Of God, a person who knows deep about the scripture, a person who lead people in God's way, is it okay to be hocking up with other men, and doing it openly?

    It's written in the last sentence  - Rev. Jones-Wade (pictured left above) is married to First Gentleman, Job Jones-Wade, they reside in the DC area.
     The guy on the right is an openly gay Nigerian pastor Rowland Jide Macaulay. What do you guys think of Men of God marrying men?

    Follow BrickClicks on twitter for instant update 


    1. No if ands or buts about it, its against God's law! God is not to be mocked. Adam wanted a help meet, so he put Adam asleep and made Eve out of Adam's rib. Marriage was intiated by God! The devil likes to twist and decieve God's word. Lucifer has been after males for some time. Its documented in the Bible. The devil likes to twists God's word so he can decieve God's people. Its an ungodly spirit! The devil is trying to get people to turn their backs on their creator.
